The flash season 5 episode 11
The flash season 5 episode 11

the flash season 5 episode 11 the flash season 5 episode 11

Moreover, their fight was very reminiscent of the one Oliver and Felicity had when the former got out of prison in season 7. I love that the writers specifically had her say the phrase “damsel in distress” and have her own how much of a badass she is in her own right. As a fan of the couple, it’s hard to watch this fight, but man does Iris have a point. While he was preparing to die in Crisis, she was busy preparing for life without him. But Iris fights back and basically says she’s no longer Barry’s damsel in distress and accuses him of missing how much she’s grown in the past few months. Of course, Barry objects to this idea because it’s obviously risky. Nevertheless, Iris comes up with a plan to stop it: She wants to hand the device over to Amunet and try to bring this down from the inside because she thinks this gang war is really a personal conflict.

the flash season 5 episode 11

Cisco and Barry must fight against the bounty hunter in a fight to the death to save Harrisons life. Barry Allen, bestowing him with super-human speed. In the wake of that theft-gone-bad, a gang war breaks out in Central City, except we never see any of it, presumably because of budgetary restrictions, which is a bummer. Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon must work together to save Harrison Wells from an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who seeks to kill him, as it is a crime on Earth-19 to transport yourself to another earth. Labs Particle Accelerator explosion, a dark matter lightning storm strikes Central City C.S.I.

The flash season 5 episode 11